Human Up
Human Up
A 30-Min Cannabis Meditation Recording (From Live Sessions)

A 30-Min Cannabis Meditation Recording (From Live Sessions)

This is recording of a live group cannabis meditation session I hosted a few weeks ago. I decided to convert the recording into a podcast episode for you to come back to to help you meditate while elevated! Make sure to save or bookmark this episode! And share this episode with a friend who wants to meditate with cannabis as well!

You can register for the next live session here:


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Human Up
Human Up
A podcast and newsletter about how to "Human Up" our lives, wellbeing, and relationships through real estate, emotional intelligence, and success mindset. After a decade of unfulfilling work in the tech world, Victor did the typical millennial quarter-life crisis thing and took a leave of absence to reflect on where he truly wanted to lead his life. After working with a few life coaches and seeing his consciousness deepen with cannabis and psychedelics, as well as his wealth accelerate with real estate, he knew he had to share his learnings with others. He was inspired to become a certified life coach and licensed mortgage loan officer to help people in a more meaningful way. This podcast serves as a catalog of his life, career, and relationship lessons living, not as a guru, but as a humble human being following his curiosity on how to level up.